Start and Finish Times

Year groupLocation drop offDrop-off window/timeSchool startsLocation pick upSchool finishesNumber of Hours
(a week)
Little BerriesNursery front door8.35-8.45am8.45amNursery front door3.15pm32.5
Little PinesNursery front door8.62-8.45am8.45amNursery front door3.15pm32.5
Little AcornsNursery front door8.35-8.45am8.45amNursery front door3.15pm32.5
YREYFS front gate8.35-8.45am8.45amEYFS front gate3.15pm32.5
Y1Classroom door8.35-8.45am8.45amClassroom door3.15pm32.5
Y2Classroom door8.35-8.45am8.45amClassroom door3.15pm32.5
Y3Classroom door8.40-8.50am8.50amClassroom door3.20pm32.5
Y4Classroom door8.40-8.50am8.50amClassroom door3.20pm32.5
Y5Classroom door8.40-8.50am8.50amClassroom door3.20pm32.5
Y6Classroom door8.40-8.50am8.50amClassroom door3.20pm32.5

Please note: Children attending morning sessions should only be collected at 11.45am, those attending the lunch session should be collected at 12.15pm and pupils attending afternoon sessions are to start at 12.15pm (all via the main nursery entrance).

Arriving at school (Reception to Year Six)

  • Children should arrive at school no earlier than 8.35am.
  • Children must not play on any of the school equipment before school.
  • No child should be left unaccompanied in the playground before 8:35 am.
  • Any child who arrives to the classroom door after the drop-off window/time will not be allowed to enter through this door, and will have to go via the main entrance and sign in late.

Break times

  • All children in Year One to Six have a break mid-way through the morning, typically between 10.45-11.00am.
  • All children go outside at break time and lunch time, weather permitting.

Typical timetable of lessons

Green Ridge Primary Academy Typical Timetable of Lessons