Partner School

Our partner school is Grundschule Stahringen, in Germany. It is located in the small but beautiful suburb of Radolfzell, which lies on the Lake of Constance in the south of Germany.

You can visit their website here and learn more about them!

Our partnership started through the British Council in 2022, where our two Headteachers made contact.

We love to find time to connect the children in both countries. This has included video calls and Christmas cards. We are hoping to keep this contact going regularly throughout the school years as all children really enjoy these opportunities.

On this page, you will get to see all of the things we get up to!

15th December 2023 – Video call with Grundschule Stahringen and Year 3/4 pupils.

The children spoke about their hobbies, interests and school life. We learnt that they have chickens at their school! At the end, the children from Grundschule Stahringen sang us a German Christmas song!


Christmas Cards

Across the school, we made over 50 Christmas cards that were sent over to Germany, and we were so pleased to receive some back!

5th & 6th February – visit from Petra and Rachel

We were delighted as a school to welcome Petra and Rachel (the Headteacher and one of the teachers) from Grundschule Stahringen for 5 days in Aylesbury.

During their time with us, they met with teachers, had a tour of the school and fully immersed themselves into life at Green Ridge. They were able to join us in our whole school assembly, as well as visiting lessons to see what school life is like in England. On their second day with us, Petra and Rachel visited classes for a Q&A session.

The children loved finding out what school life is like in Germany, and really enjoyed when Petra introduced them to a song about the days of the week, which even included some dance moves!


World Book Day 2024 – Video call

The children in Alder class were able to have a video call on World Book Day with one of the classes at Grundschule Stahringen They talked about their favourite books and characters and asked the German children about their own opinions and favourites.


15th – 19th June – Grundschule Stahringen visit Green Ridge!

The children arrived into London on Saturday and then joined us for a picnic lunch on the Sunday, where they were introduced to the Pupil Parliament and Head Pupils. They were given a tour of the school, and then given free time to play and get to know each other!

On Monday, the children from Grundschule Stahringen arrived at school and were given school jumpers and ties. They don’t wear uniform at their school and so it was a new experience for them!

The children joined classes from Year 3 – 6, in pairs, matched up to children the same age as them. They joined in with lessons, and joined their new friends for lunch time too!

One afternoon, the children were brought together and completed an “all about me” activity that was in both English and German, to allow the children to learn about each other in an easy way. The children had lots in common!

We ended each day with an after school activity for the children from both schools. They had a BBQ and a fish supper. It was a lovely chance for all the children to socialise and many even swapped phone numbers and email addresses so they could stay in contact!